Saturday, 11 April 2020

Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane #99

Lois Lane and Lana Lang’s rivalry was always going to end badly. That’s Robert Kanigher’s story premise for the lead feature, and it just about works. The cover is by the classic Swanderson (Curt Swan and Murphy Anderson) team, and the interior art by Irv Novick. After one of their legendary spats, Lois tries to apologise to Lana but the car she’s driving swerves off a bridge into a river. Lana is seemingly killed, and Lois has amnesia. Cue Superman acting as the prosecution in Lois’ trial for murder, and Batman offering to defend her. How does it end? I have no idea because it continues into the next issue.

There’s also a reprint from Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane #3 (1958). The title “The Man Who Was Clark Kent’s Double” - if you know your Silver Age Lois Lane -  tells you all you need to know. Suffice to say, that hussy Lois dumps Superman when she meets a more manly double of Clark Kent, but her prying gets her dumped in return. It’s drawn by Kurt Schaffenberger, and doesn’t look dated at all.

Bee-Boy awarded this comic 3 stings out of 5

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