Thursday, 9 April 2020

Adventure Comics #389

Supergirl’s bizarre love life was always a source of interest, so Murphy Anderson’s cover for Adventure Comics #389 (“Supergirl’s Jilted Boyfriends”) is right up my street. Sadly, as written by Cary Bates and drawn by Kurt Schaffenberger, the story can only be charitably described as insane. Let’s just say that Supergirl turning her swine boyfriend into a stone statue is the result of a Brainiac plot and leave it at that. Schaffenberger’s art style, which was always weirdly evocative of 50s conservative America {no doubt due to the number of Pillbox hat-wearing Lois Lane stories I’d read), appears strangely dated when illustrating styles and fashions from the Swinging 60s and 70s; it’s all very odd, and also the second part of a story begun in the prior issue.

The lead story (which did not get cover billing) is by Robert Kanigher, and drawn by Win Mortimer. Bob Oskner inks Mortimer and it’s not a great combination. Kanigher’s story is a perfunctory, but instantly forgettable, tale of Supergirl playing the Good Samaritan (with aid from her Kryptonian father, Zor-El) when her classmates are asked to present hand-crafted gifts for Father’s Day.

Bee-Boy awarded this comic 2 stings out of 5

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